Wheel Alignment in Branford, CT
For Safer & Straighter Driving--Automotive Excellence

Precise Alignment Services–State-of-the-Art Alignment Equipment
The longer your vehicle is on the road, the more susceptible it is to a misalignment. High-end European autos are known for their powerful engine performance and superior handling. But when drivers slow down on a leisurely trip to the supermarket, your vehicle’s wheel alignment needs become noticeable. When driving down a straight highway your vehicle should be able to stay within the traffic lanes by itself. Taking your hands off the wheel for a single second should NOT cause you to drift into the next lane. If you notice that your vehicle pulls to the right or left by itself then you should come to wheel alignment experts at Automotive Excellence in Branford, CT. This veering will be the most obvious sign that you need a wheel alignment. Depending on your driving habits, it might not be noticed right away. Drivers often adjust their driving tendencies without realizing it.
Protect Your Tires–Get Your Wheels Aligned!
Even if you don’t feel the effects from your misaligned wheels when driving, you should be able to see them. Owners can waste money on a new set of premium tires, only to end up replacing them early. When your vehicle needs wheel alignment service, your tires will wear unevenly. With one side of your tires balding faster than the other side, you are at a higher risk for a flat tire. The team at Automotive Excellence is here to enhance your driving experience. The ability to drive straight is just as important as the ability to handle tight corners. Not only will our alignment services keep you safer on the road, it will also save you money. You can protect your tires and get a greater return on your investment. Your European auto deserves alignment service from our qualified specialists. All of our services are performed with the same commitment to excellence and our top-of-the-line wheel alignments are no exception.
Schedule Your Wheel Alignment Today!
Automotive Excellence perform all of your vehicle’s alignment services to exacting standards. Bring your vehicle to our top quality repair facility to make sure your vehicle is driving as straight and as safe as possible. Give us a call today to schedule your wheel alignment service. You can save yourself some time by using our convenient online scheduling system. Pick the day and time that works best for you and we’ll meet you here! Next time you’re in the area, be sure to stop by and meet your European auto experts. If you haven’t met us yet, today’s a good day to start on a path to optimal performance.